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Skill Training Centers of Art of Living’s Transforming Lives

Under the guidance and blessings of Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, the Art of Living has embarked on a transformative journey through its Sri Sri Rural Development Program Trust. One of the pioneering initiatives under this trust is the establishment of Sri Sri Kaushal Vikas Kendras, aimed at setting global standards for quality skill and will development. This visionary project is not only about acquiring skills but also nurturing the willpower needed for holistic personal and professional growth.

In a world that is constantly evolving, acquiring essential skills has become more crucial than ever. The Art of Living’s Skill Training Centers stands out as a beacon of hope, offering individuals the opportunity to transform their lives by imparting essential skills. Through a diverse range of programs, these centers play a pivotal role in equipping people with the tools they need to lead better, more fulfilling lives.

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Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s vision for holistic development goes beyond traditional skill training. He emphasizes the importance of not just acquiring technical skills but also developing the willpower to use those skills for the greater good. The Srishti Kaushal Vikas Kendras have been set up with the intention of nurturing individuals who not only excel in their chosen fields but also contribute positively to their communities and the world at large.

The establishment of the Srishti Kaushal Vikas Kendras is a testament to the transformative power of Gurudev’s blessings. With his divine guidance, the Art of Living has taken a bold step toward creating centers of excellence that integrate ancient wisdom with modern skills, providing a comprehensive approach to education and development.

The Skill Training Centers focus on empowering individuals with a variety of skills that are fundamental to navigating life successfully. These skills encompass both practical and emotional aspects, ranging from vocational expertise to personal development.

  1. Vocational Skills: Art of Living’s Skill Training centers provide training in vocational skills that empower individuals to secure meaningful employment. From computer literacy to trades like carpentry and tailoring, these programs open up new avenues for economic independence and self-sufficiency.
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  1. Personal Development: Art of Living’s Skill Training center Provide Essential life skills such as communication, time management, and stress reduction are also at the forefront of the training programs. By honing these abilities, individuals are better equipped to handle life’s challenges and create a balanced and fulfilling lifestyle.

The impact of the Art of Living’s Skill Training center extends far beyond the acquisition of skills. Graduates often report a significant improvement in their confidence, self-esteem, and overall well-being. The sense of accomplishment that comes from mastering new skills contributes to a positive mindset, fostering a belief in one’s ability to overcome obstacles.

  1. Increased Employability: With practical skills in their toolkit, individuals find themselves more marketable in the job market. The centers not only teach specific job-related skills but also provide guidance on resume building, interview preparation, and professional etiquette.
  2. Community Building: The communal aspect of the training centers creates a supportive environment. Participants often form connections and friendships, building a network that extends beyond the duration of the program. This sense of community further enhances the overall impact of the training.
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SSRDP works with a special focus on ethical leadership, life skills and technical capabilities that can empower individuals, particularly those from rural and disadvantaged backgrounds, towards sustainable livelihoods. As a certified partner of the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC), SSRDP is authorised to provide NSDC certification for vocational and skill development training for around 2,000 job roles in 32 sectors. SSRDP offers skill development and entrepreneurship programmes in partnership with Central and State Government departments, corporate groups, educational institutions and community-based organisations.

Established in 2001 Sri Sri Rural Development Program Trust (SSRDP) under the aegis of Art of Living operates with the single-minded focus of empowering Rural India. We aim at bringing together the best global practices, corporate thinking and accountability, the highest standards of corporate governance and transparency to create a model of sustainable development, which is a benchmark in the industry and can be replicated at scale. In SSRDP, we believe every person deserves to lead a more secure, prosperous, and dignified life. With that vision in mind, our mission is to strengthen community-led development initiatives to achieve positive social, economic, entrepreneurship and environmental change across Rural and Urban Regions in India. With support from donors, volunteers and partners, we empower the economically challenged, through best practices, environmentally sustainable technology and human values.

For More Information:

Visit www.skills.ssrdp.org to know more.

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