PMKVY 4.0 in CBSE Affiliated Schools Under Skill Hub Initiative

Have you implemented PMKVY 4.0 in your school yet?

PMKVY Skilling plays a crucial role in enhancing individual productivity leading to an increase in employment  and income of the workforce. The increase in productivity and employment in turn has a ripple effect  on the economy resulting in enhanced competitiveness. With the everchanging nature of job market,  the shelf life of skills has shortened building a case for continuous lifelong learning. For that reason,  skilling, reskilling, and upskilling are crucial pillars for a growth oriented economy. Further, studies have also identified that upskilling would lead to a substantial boost in the Indian GDP. India is  strategically placed with a young population having an average median age of ~28 years which  provides a window of opportunity to make India the Skill Capital of the World. Skilling is poised to be  the key driver for ‘Amrit Kaal’ envisioning a New India with inclusive welfare, technology enabled  development, climate action through energy transitions, galloping towards a multi-trillion dollars’  economy.  

PMKVY-4.0-Industry-4.0-skill-courses-1024x576 PMKVY 4.0 in CBSE Affiliated Schools Under Skill Hub Initiative

Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana 4.0 (PMKVY 4.0) is the flagship scheme of Ministry of Skill  Development and Entrepreneurship to empower Indian youth with industry-relevant skills, fostering  employability and entrepreneurship, and promoting a culture of lifelong learning. Its objective is to  enable the delivery of skill training in a market-oriented and demand-driven manner to youth, also  ensuring inclusivity and accessibility for disadvantaged communities.  

The scheme has 3 sub-schemes under it, namely, Short-Term Training, RPL & Special Projects  partnering with entities like Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Kendras (PMKKs), ITIs, Skill Hubs (Schools,  colleges, HEIs), training centers of other Ministries/Department, training centers of industry partners  and private training providers, etc. 

Promote an enabling ecosystem for the youths to get skilled and choose a career path aligned  with their abilities and aspirations. 

 Enable delivery of skill training in a market-oriented and demand driven manner by making  the existing skilling ecosystem more flexible, swift, and geared to meet the emerging demand  along with emphasis on improving the employability of candidates. 

Process simplification of the skill ecosystem by leveraging technology and digitalization. Enhance access to skilling by setting up a network of skill development infrastructure in  remote parts of the country to cater to the needs of difficult geographies such as hilly terrain,  LWE-effected areas, border areas, etc. by designing special projects. 

1Untitled-edited PMKVY 4.0 in CBSE Affiliated Schools Under Skill Hub Initiative
General Overview of Skill India Centers (SIC)
1. What are Skill India  Centers (SIC)/ Skill  HubsThe Skill India Centers (SIC)/ Skill Hubs were introduced under  Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana 3.0 with an aim to integrate  vocational education with general education, in line with the  National Education Policy 2020 and National Policy for Skill  Development and Entrepreneurship 2015.  The PMKVY initiative focuses on creating sustainable skill training  centres, introducing vocational courses in schools with technical  support, utilizing infrastructure from various educational  institutions, and strengthening District Skill Committees and State  Skill Development Missions with funding and support.
2. What are objectives  of Skill India  Centers/ Skill Hubs?I. Establish permanent infrastructure and resources for skills  development. II. Ensure contiguous availability of skill centres for easy access.  III. Introduce vocational learning early with clear pathways for  learners. III. Provide vocational offerings for different target segments. IV. Align vocational offerings with economic and local needs,  adapting programs to meet changing industry demands.
3. When was the Skill  India Centers (SIC)/  Skill Hubs  introduced?The Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship (MSDE) in  consultation with the Ministry of Education introduced the “Skill  India Centers / Skill Hubs ” under the Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas  Yojana 3.0. 
4. Who is the  implementation  agency for PMKVY  4.0 ? PMKVY 4.0 is implemented through National Skill Development  Corporation (NSDC) and is supported by the state education  department and agencies.
5. What type of  institutes are  termed as Skill India  Center/ Skill Hubs?I. Institutes of National Importance ( IITs/NITs/IIM etc) II. Central/State Government/ Private University/ College III. Private Universities/Colleges/Engineering Colleges IV. Government University/Colleges/ UGC Colleges V. Skill University & MSME Institutes VI. Government Polytechnic & Private Polytechnic VII. Schools such as KVs, JNVs, EMRS, State Schools etc.
7. Who are the target  beneficiaries under  SHI?I. School Dropouts (6th – 12th standard)  II. College Dropouts III. Out of education candidates IV. In school students
8. How is PMKVY 4.0  beneficial to the  trainees?● Free training for candidates between age group 15-45 years  ● Convergence of vocational and formal education ● Skill Training in NSQF compliant Future Skills Courses ● Easy access to vocational skill training ● Transportation facilities for PWD and transgender facilities
9. What is a TP ID and  a TC ID?● Training Partner ID abbreviated as TP ID is a unique  identification tool through which Training Partners are identified  and through this, they can access the Skill India Portal (SIP). ● Training Centre ID abbreviated as TC ID is a unique identification  tool through which Training centres are uniquely identified.
10. What is the  difference between  TP and TC?● Training Partners abbreviated as TPs are any organization, legally  established as a society, trust, proprietorship, Company/Limited  Liability Partnership (LLP)/Government Institute/Organization etc.,  can be a training provider. These training providers will be  responsible for the training of candidates as envisaged under the  PMKVY scheme. ● Training Centres abbreviated as TCs are the institutions where  trainings for the candidates take place. All Training Centres shall be  required to adhere to the accreditation and affiliation norms  prescribed by the Awarding Bodies/ as per the schemes guidelines. 
Target Allocation
1. How are targets allocated to  Skill India Centers? Targets are allocated based on registration on the  Become a Skill India Center registration link that is filled  by the any institutions. Target Allocations against the submitted applications is  subject to evaluation and verification.
2. Who approves the target  allocation?Target allocation is subject to approval from MSDE (Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship)
3. What is the timeframe for  target allocation to different  institutes?Based on the periodic performance reviews, the  training targets will be released to the training partners  on a quarterly basis. 
4. What is the target allocation  given to any institutions?Target allocation details are not shared with everyone.  The concerned Training Partner may get information on  their own target allocation status. In case they wish to  know more than this, they will have to put up an RTI or  grievance. 
Training by Skill India Centers
1. How many Skill India Centers/  Skill Hubs have been included in  PMKVY 4.0?2000+ Skill India Centers are a part of PMKVY 4.0. 
2. What type of training can Skill  India Centers/ Skill Hubs provide  to the target beneficiaries?Skill India Centers/ Skill Hubs can provide Short Term  Trainings (STT) under PMKVY 4.0.
3. How many hours of training is  mandatory for Skill India  Centers/ Skill Hubs?Training can range from 200 hours-600 hours excluding  On-Job Training (OJT) (Actual duration depends upon the job roles approved  by NCVET)
4. What is on job training (OJT)? Is  it mandatory under Skill India ● Under PMKVY 4.0, OJT has been introduced in  Short Term Training & Special Projects, to provide  practical exposure to the candidates. 
Centers?● OJT will be applicable in all such job roles as  mandated by NCVET. 
5. What are the processes on Skill  India Digital Portal to initiate the  trainings?Training Provider (TP) registration
TP ID creation
Training Centre ID and Project ID creation
Trainer registration
Linking Trainers with the Training Centres
Batch creation, candidate enrolment, and Batch  Submission
Registration of Training Provider & Training Centres
1. How can Skill India Center/ Skill  Hubs register as a Training  Provider (TP)?Skill India Centers will have to register themselves as a  Training Provider on
2. What is COI?COI stands for Certificate of Incorporation. In case of  AICTE, the registration certificate of Society/Trust  document /PAN/TAN/ UDISE/can be uploaded on the  portal for TP registration.
3. Which documents are  acceptable as address proof  while registering on the Skill  India Portal? Following documents are acceptable as address proofs: 
Telephone bill 
Electricity Bill 
Rent agreement along with telephone bill 
4. Who provides Training Partner  ID to Skill India Centers/ Skill  Hubs?TP ID is provided by National Skill Development  Corporation (NSDC). Also, once you will start registration  on SID portal it will reflect on portal itself on right side  top corner.
5. I was already a part of PMKVY  3.0. Do I still need to register  again as a Training Partner?The Training Provider ID (TP ID) which was used in PMKVY  3.0 can be re-used this year as well. However, these TPs  still have to register for the creation of Training Centre Ids (TCs) in PMKVY 4.0.
7. What are the pre-requisites for  Skill India Centers to become a  Training Provider?A. Infrastructure requirements: 
I. Availability of adequate classroom for theory classes  and laboratory depending upon the job role
II. Functional Aadhar Enabled Biometric Attendance  System (AEBAS)
B. Trainer:
I. Trainer/ Teacher/ Professor available in its own  institution with domain experience or certified trainer.
8. When is a Training Partner  termed as ‘Deemed Ready’?After an institution register as a Training Provider by  filling the registration form on the Skill India Digital, Desk  Assessment will be conducted of the registration form.  After the desk assessment is successful, the Training  Partner will qualify in DA accord as deemed ready. The  same will be communicated on the institute SPOC’s email  ID. In case of AICTE, while registration please upload  below mentioned documents: 1. Trust/Society Registration Certificate 2. PAN Card  3. EOA (Extension of Approval) current financial year
9. How can Skill India Centers  register their Training Centres  (TC)? ● Post receiving the TP ID, an link will be circulated by  NSDC SPOC and It will be created by NSDC.
● The Skill India Centers will have to fill in the required  information to register their Training Centres under  PMKVY 4.0.
● Training Centres Creation Link :
10. What all details are to be filled  in the TC ID creation excel  sheet?Following Details are to be filled:
I. Training Centre details
II. SPOC details
III. Alternative SPOC details
IV. Job role details (Only Future Skills Job Roles)
11. When will the Training Centre  receive their TC ID?Post evaluation of the TC ID creation, TC ID and project  will be created by NSDC. Usually, it’s taken 1-2 working  days for same.
12. Who will arrange students’  accommodation undergoing  these trainings?There is no provision for Boarding and Lodging under Skill  India Centers.
Accreditation & Affiliation
1. Is Accreditation & Affiliation  compulsory for Skill India  Centers/ Skill Hubs?No, Skill India Centers/ Skill Hubs have an option to opt  for Non- Accreditation & Affiliation (Non-A & A) process.
2. Can we use the Institute  premises to conduct training?Training can be conducted in their respective Institutes.
Job Roles
1. Are there any criteria for Skill  India Centres / Skill Hubs while  selecting Their Job Roles?Skill India Centre’s/ Skill Hubs can select their job roles  from the list of 111 approved Future Skill Job Roles  under PMKVY 4.0.
2. What is National Skill  Qualification Framework  (NSQF)?NSQF is a quality assurance framework that organizes  qualifications according to a series of knowledge,  aptitude, and skills.
3. What are NSQF levels?The NSQF levels are defined in terms of learning  outcomes a learner must possess regardless of whether  it’s through formal, informal, or non-formal learning.
4. On what basis are the quality  and standards of job roles  defined?The quality and standards of the job roles are aligned to  the National Skill Qualification Framework (NSQF).
5. What is National Council for  Vocational Education & Training  (NCVET)?NCVET is an overarching regulator establishing  regulations and standards to ensure quality in the  Technical & Vocational Education & Training (TVET)  space. 
5. Who approves the job roles?The job roles under PMKVY 4.0 are approved by  National Council for Vocational Education & Training  (NCVET)
6. What are National Occupational  Standards (NOS)? The National Occupational Standards (NOS) specify the  standards of performance an individual must achieve  when carrying out a function in the workplace, together  with the knowledge and understanding they need to  meet a standard consistently.
7. What is a Qualification Pack  (QP)? A QP is a set of NOS aligned to a certain job role.
Training of Trainers, Assessors (ToT &ToA), and Trainer
1. Is ToT compulsory under Skill  India Centers?In case of Skill India Centers, ToT is exempted. The  trainer can use the TR Id and proceed.
2. Will the teachers who will be  imparting the training be given  any formal training?There is no any such formal training for the  teachers/professor. However, Institutes can decide or  advised to assign Subject Matter Experts for these  trainings.
3. From where the institutions will  get trainers?Trainer/Teacher/Professor available in the own  institution with domain experience allowed to impart  training under the scheme.
Institutes is allowed to hire certified  Teachers/Trainers from the pool of trainers registered  on Skill India Digital Portal.
4. Is the salary of Trainers being  paid by NSDC or school?The salary of these trainers will be borne by the  Institutions. However, institutions can choose to pay  their trainers from the training payout paid by the  NSDC.
Candidate Registration
1. On which platform will the  candidate register themselves  for the training?Candidates will have to register themselves on the Skill  India Digital Portal as Learner and Participants. registration/registration
2. What is the process to register  candidates on the Skill India  Portal?Step 1: registration/registration
Step 2: Complete e-KYC 
Step 3: After login (e-KYC completed) and select PMKVY.
Step 4: Select the Sub-Scheme from the Skill India  Center, click on the Apply button.
Step 5: Job Roles in particular schemes will be visible on  the dashboard. Select >> View All to see all the Job Roles  and choose the Job Role for which the candidate wants  to continue the training.
Step 6: Choose the Sector from the drop-down list.
Step 7: All the Batches which are created under TC Login  will be visible under a particular Job Role.
Step 8: Select batch and show interest.
Step 9: Fill in all the required details of candidates to  show interest. 
Step 10: Candidates can select a maximum of 5 batches  to show interest in. This request will be triggered to  Training Centre (TC) dashboard.
Step 11: Verify the Batch Start Date, Training Centre  Name, Training Partner Name, and Batch Timing before  showing interest in a particular batch.
Step 12: Login to your TC ID, scroll down and click on  View and Manage Candidates
Step 13: Training centre (TC ID) can see all the requests  under View and Manage Candidates.
Step 14: All the candidates will be visible under the  Pending section till the time Training Centre accept  their request one by one.
Step 15: After approval candidates will be visible under  the Approved tab and the request will be sent back to  the candidate to accept the request from candidate’s  login.
Step 16: The request will be visible under the approved  section as it is approved by the TC after interest is  shown by the candidate. Once the candidate accepts  the request it will be moved to the Accepted section. 
Step 17: The candidate will be visible under the batch  from where Training Centre staff can directly enrol the  candidates into the batch and process further with the  training. 
Step 18: Post acceptance of the request by the  candidates, the list of willing candidates will be visible  under the show candidates’ interest on TC dashboard. 
Step 19: Categorize each candidate by selecting one of  the following options and click on submit: 
a. In School: Candidates who are a part of the  institute pursuing some course in the institute. 
b. Out School: Candidates who have been enrolled  from outside and are not part of the institute.
Step 20: Complete the batch submission by clicking on  the submit to AB button.
3. What all details are required to  register as a candidate on Skill  India Digital?Candidates would require mobile number to register  themselves on the Skill India Digital portal. Mobile  number should be linked with their Aadhaar Card.
4. What details are required to  complete e-KYC?Candidates will require their Aadhaar card details to  complete their e-KYC
5. What all details are required to  complete PMKVY 4.0  application on Skill India Digital  portal?Candidates will require the following details to  complete their PMKVY 4.0 application on the portal:
1. Personal details- Salutation, Full name, Gender, date  of birth, region, category
2. Relationship details-Father’s name, mother’s name,  marital status
3. Contact details- Email-ID, country code, mobile  number
4. Disability details- If any
5. Domicile details- Domicile state, domicile district
6. Address details- Address, State, pin-code, District
7. Training Details- Education, training status, previous  experience sector, number of months of previous  training, employed, employment status.
8. Heard about us
6. What are the timelines for  candidates registration?Candidate registration – The last date of candidate  registrations is 31st March 2024.
7. What are the age criteria for  -Trainers -Candidates There are no such age criteria for Trainers.  The candidates age should lie in the range of 15-45  years.
Candidate Enrolment
1. What should be the batch size to  initiate trainings under Skill  India Centers?The batch size should be a minimum of 10 and  maximum 30.
2. Can a Dropout candidate be  replaced by another candidate?Candidates dropped out of a batch cannot be replaced  by another candidate. They must be enrolled into a new  batch.
1. Can we conduct training only on  weekends and not on  weekdays?Trainers can take sessions according to their own  availability. However, sessions of minimum 2 hours  duration and maximum of 8 hours can be conducted in  a day.
2. Can institutions start  undertaking trainings with the  number of students which are  lesser than the target?Yes, the training numbers should not go beyond the  total allocation.
Candidate Assessment
1. What are candidate level  assessments? Assessment will be conducted for only those trained  candidates who have attained 70% attendance  throughout the course of the training program 
2. Who will be responsible for  assessments of the candidates?Sector Skill Councils are NCVET approved awarding  bodies who will depute certified assessment agency  and assessor for conducting the assessment on ground  as soon as the training providers complete the training  of a batch.  Assessment will be conducted for only those trained  candidates who have attained 70% attendance  throughout the course of the training program.
3. Who will validate and approve  the results uploaded by the  Assessment agencies?Respective Sector Skill Council (SSC) will validate and  approve the results uploaded by an Assessment  Agency. 
4. Who will be responsible for  arranging lab equipment(s) as  defined by the respective SSC  for conducting assessments?Training Provider/ Institute delivering training will be  responsible for arranging the required lab  infrastructure for conducting assessment at the training  institute. 
5. Who will pay the assessment  fees? The assessment fees will be paid directly by NSDC to the  Awarding Bodies.
6. Eligibility Criteria for a  Candidate to Appear for  Assessment?Candidates who have attained at least 70% attendance  against the opted course duration, will be eligible for  assessment. 
Candidate Re-assessment
1. Will candidates be offered an  option of re-assessment in  case they fail the first  assessment?Yes, candidates can appear for a re-assessment. However,  only one chance will be given to the candidates.
2. Will candidates be charged  with re-assessment fees? No, it will be free of cost. 
3. Can SSC’s or awarding body  retain assessment fees paid  to the assessment agencies?Assessment Fee is directly paid to the Assessment agency  and the awarding body by NSDC. 80% of the sanctioned  assessment fee is directly paid to the Assessment Agency.  Balance 20% of the Assessment fee is paid to the respective  Awarding Body.  Training Providers / Institutes do not need to pay any  assessment fee for scheduling the assessments. 
4. In case, the number of  candidates appearing for re assessment is insufficient.  Then what can be done? Candidates from nearby training centres can be clubbed  together. Further Provision for online/ remote assessments  has also been provisioned under the scheme. 
5. Do Training Providers need to  pay reassessment-fee?No. Training Providers/Institutes do not require to pay any  reassessment fee. The scheme allows one time  reassessment of Failed/ Not appeared candidates. The  reassessment fee for such candidates is borne by the  scheme. 
1. Who will be eligible for  certification? Any candidate who successfully passes the assessment is  eligible for a Certificate and Marksheet.
2. Who is responsible for  candidate certification?National Council for Vocational Education & Training (NCVET)  approved Awarding Bodies will be responsible for  certification.
3. How will the candidates be  informed about their  certification?Candidates will be informed about the certificate generation  on their registered mobile number & email id once results are  declared by the respective awarding body on the Skill India  Digital portal.
4. In what all forms the  certificate will be provided  to the candidates? Training provider/ Institute and the Candidate will be able to  download the soft copy of the certificate & marksheet from  Skill India Digital Portal
5. How will the QR based  digital certificate be  provided to the candidates?QR based digital certificate will be provided through the  following means:
i. Directly on Digi-locker
ii. Certificate link on email id & mobile number
iii. Profile page in the mobile app
iv. Certificate will also be available in the TC login
1. Is attendance capturing  through Aadhar Enabled  Biometric Attendance System  (AEBAS) compulsory?Yes, AEBAS is compulsory.
2. How will the attendance be  captured?The attendance will be captured in two different forms:
I. Aadhar Enabled Biometric Attendance System (AEBAS)
II. Physical attendance through daily attendance register
3. What should be the minimum  attendance criteria for the  candidates to appear for  assessment? Minimum 70% of biometric attendance is required for each  candidate to appear in all types of training to make the  trainee eligible for the assessment.
4. Can a Candidate mark  attendance if he/she does not  have an Aadhaar number?The scheme mandates usage of Aadhar Enabled Biometric  Attendance (AEBAS) system at training centres to monitor  the attendance of candidates. Without Aadhaar number  the candidate will not be able to mark their attendance.
Candidate re-enrolment
1. Is there a time gap required  for candidates to re-enrol  themselves?There should be a six- month gap between the date of  certification & start date of a subsequent course.
2. If the institutes are not able  to achieve the target  allocated to them, will it have  any repercussions?There are no repercussions on institutes if they are not able  to achieve the set target. However, institutes are encouraged  to achieve what has been allocated to them. The  performance of the institutes will be analysed and shall make  the basis for subsequent allocations in the next FY. 
Financial Management
1. What are the costs for  different categories under  Skill India Centers?Payment will be as per Common Cost Norms (CCN) and  category wise cost is given below and attaching job role wise  category sheet.
S. No. Category Updated Base Cost under PMKVY 4.0  (discounted by 33.60%)
II 27.89
III 23.31
2. What are the criteria to  achieve pay-out milestones  for Skill India Centers?Training cost will be paid in three tranches on achieving 3  different milestones. 
Tranche 1 (30%): On Commencement of training
Tranche 2 (30%): On batch achieving 70% AEBAS  attendance once and 50 % of the training is over.
Tranche 3 (40%): On Certification (passed candidates only)
Additionally, 50% of the approved Discounted CCN cost  will be paid for OJT Hours
3. Who will bear the cost of the  accommodations provided to  the students?There is no provision for Boarding and Lodging under Skill  India Centers.
1. Is Placement mandatory for  this project, and any payout  linked to it?Offering placement to certified candidates can significantly  enhance their career prospects, it’s important to note that it  is not obligatory as per the scheme guidelines.

What is PMKVY 4.0 ?

PMKVY 4.0 is the latest version of the Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana, a flagship scheme by the Government of India to enable a large number of Indian youth to take up industry-relevant skill training. This initiative aims to make the Indian workforce more skilled and job-ready, thereby increasing their employability in diverse sectors.

How does PMKVY 4.0 benefit CBSE affiliated Schools under Skill Hub Initiative?

Enhancing Employability: By incorporating PMKVY 4.0 training programs, CBSE affiliated Schools can equip students with industry-specific skills, making them more employable upon graduation.
Industry Partnerships: PMKVY 4.0 collaborations provide schools with access to industry experts, ensuring that students receive high-quality training aligned with industry requirements.
Skill Development: The initiative focuses on honing practical skills in students, enabling them to excel in various vocations and professions.
Career Opportunities: PMKVY 4.0 opens doors to a wide array of career opportunities for students, enabling them to pursue their passions and interests effectively.

Why choose PMKVY 4.0 for CBSE affiliated Schools under Skill Hub Initiative?

PMKVY 4.0 stands out as a premier skill development program for schools due to its:

Government Accreditation: Being a government-backed initiative, PMKVY 4.0 offers credibility and assurance to schools and students alike.
Structured Curriculum: The program provides a well-defined curriculum tailored to industry needs, ensuring that students receive relevant and up-to-date training.
Placement Assistance: PMKVY 4.0 assists schools in securing placements for their students in reputed organizations, giving them a head start in their careers.
Continuous Support: The initiative offers ongoing support to schools, helping them implement the training effectively and address any challenges that may arise.

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