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PMKVY 4.0 Stakeholders Role

PMKVY 4.0 Stakeholders Role

Overview of the Key Stakeholders and their Roles in PMKVY 4.0:

Overview of the Key Stakeholders and their Roles in PMKVY 4.0 Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY) 4.0 is a flagship scheme by the Government of India aimed at enabling a large number of Indian youth to take up industry-relevant skill training to help them secure a better livelihood. The success of PMKVY 4.0 relies on the effective collaboration and coordination of various stakeholders who play crucial roles in its implementation.

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Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship (MSDE)Provides the funding for the scheme.Provides the necessary policy decisions for implementing the RPL scheme.Works as the grievance redressal for the RPL related queries from State Government and other Central Government Ministries.
National Skill Development CorporationThe project implementing body of RPL from policy implementation to fund disbursement and quality check.Manages the flow of RPL right from coming of proposal to closure of the execution.
Training Provider (TP)The proposing entity which is responsible for overall execution and implementation of the RPL project.Receives financial payout for the project.Legal entity that signs term sheet with NSDC.
RPL Facilitator OrganizationResponsible for conducting on-ground mobilization, counselling, pre-screening, and orientation/bridge course of the beneficiaries to function as extended arm of the Training Provider (TP). This is applicable generally if the TP does not have inherent capacity to train like SSDMs, SSCs, and Government departments.Facilitator organizations will be tracked by Skill India Portal and will be provided with separate logins.
TrainersTrainers who are qualified as per the standards defined by SSC or any other approved awarding body, to provide orientation under PMKVY on the lines of NSQF.Mandatory orientation to be given by ToT certified trainers.Exception may be provided by the PMKVY 4.0 Executive Committee, if required.
AssessorsAssessors who are qualified as per the standards defined by SSC or any other approved awarding body, to undertake assessments under PMKVY on the lines of NSQF.Apart from certified assessors from SSCs, assessment by ‘Employer Assessor’ for Best-in-Class industries in RPL BICE (Type 4) and directly by remote proctoring in case of ‘Online Certification’ (RPL Type 5) will be allowed.

PMKVY 4.0 Stakeholders Role

skill-india-digital-1-1024x576 PMKVY 4.0 Stakeholders Role
Sector Skill CouncilPIA in RPL types 4 and 5 and primary drivers for these RPL types.Validate orientation and bridge course content.Conduct ToT programs for RPL Facilitator Organizations whose trainers are not certified.Assign Assessment Agencies to batches.Approve the result submitted by assessor and verified by AAs.Collect evidence for neutral and free fair assessment.Certify candidates.Notify the eligible job roles for RPL type 5.Monitoring RPL project implementation.
Assessment Agency (AA)AAs will conduct assessments of beneficiaries.The AA shall be an independent third party (neither the PIA nor RPL Facilitator Organization).
Demand Aggregation Portal (DAP)For mobilizing the candidates based on availability of RPL centers in the vicinity a Demand Aggregation Portal would be used primarily for RPL by Demand (Type 4) and Online RPL (Type 5).
Skill India Portal (SIP)This is a Management Information System for PMKVY which is an online repository of integrated database relating to value chain of RPL program initiating from registration to certification process.
District Skill Committees (DSCs)DSCs as defined in PMKVY 4.0 Guidelines.In addition to mobilization, counselling, and batch formation, DSCs would also be involved in monitoring and supervision at the district-level.
State Skill Development Mission (SSDM)SSDMs / respective Departments in States / UTs will review the district-level skill development plan prepared by DSCs.SSDMs / respective Departments will aggregate skill gap from all districts and share the consolidated skill development plan with MSDE.
Kaushal MitrasKaushal Mitras are village / field level functionaries who would assist in identifying, preliminary counselling and handholding of the beneficiaries who need skill development program.
PMKVY 4.0 Screening Committee (SC)The PMKVY 4.0 SC conducts the screening of RPL proposals as per the Guidelines and provides its recommendations for suitability of proposal and number of targets to be allocated.
Term sheetThis a tangible document signed between NSDC and PIA while awarding the RPL execution targets.
PMKVY 4.0 Executive CommitteeThe PMKVY 4.0 Executive Committee (EC) accords final approval to RPL proposals as per the Guidelines and merit of the proposal.The PMKVY 4.0 EC conducts screening of RPL proposals presented in and recommended by the PMKVY Screening Committee.

Stakeholders and their roles in PMKVY 4.0 :

  • National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC):
    • Role: NSDC is the implementing agency for PMKVY 4.0. It is responsible for designing, implementing, and monitoring skill development programs across various sectors. NSDC collaborates with training partners, industry bodies, and other stakeholders to ensure the success of the program.
  • Sector Skill Councils (SSCs):
    • Role: SSCs are industry-led bodies that play a vital role in the development of National Occupational Standards (NOS) and Qualification Packs (QPs). They are responsible for ensuring that the training curriculum aligns with industry needs and standards.
  • Training Partners:
    • Role: Training partners are organizations or institutions that collaborate with NSDC to provide skill training. They deliver the training programs, assess candidates, and facilitate their placement in relevant industries. Training partners are essential for the successful execution of PMKVY 4.0.
  • Assessment Agencies:
    • Role: Assessment agencies are responsible for conducting assessments to evaluate the skills acquired by candidates during the training. They play a crucial role in ensuring the quality and standardization of the skill development programs.
  • Employers and Industry Associations:
    • Role: Employers and industry associations are vital stakeholders as they provide insights into the current industry requirements. They collaborate with NSDC and SSCs to define skill standards and create a demand-driven skill ecosystem.
  • State Skill Development Missions (SSDMs):
    • Role: SSDMs play a significant role in the implementation of PMKVY 4.0 at the state level. They coordinate with NSDC, training partners, and other stakeholders to ensure effective execution and monitoring of skill development initiatives in their respective states.
  • State Governments:
    • Role: State governments provide the necessary support for the implementation of PMKVY 4.0 within their jurisdictions. They may allocate funds, provide infrastructure, and collaborate with the central government to align the program with state-specific needs.
  • Certification Bodies:
    • Role: Certification bodies are responsible for issuing certificates to candidates who successfully complete their skill training programs. These certificates enhance the employability of candidates by providing formal recognition of their skills.
  • Candidates/Trainees:
    • Role: Candidates or trainees are at the center of the PMKVY initiative. They enroll in skill development programs, actively participate in training, and undergo assessments to acquire industry-relevant skills. The success of PMKVY ultimately reflects in the improved livelihoods of these individuals.
  • Monitoring and Evaluation Agencies:
    • Role: Monitoring and evaluation agencies assess the effectiveness and impact of PMKVY 4.0. They provide feedback on the program’s outcomes, helping in refining strategies and making necessary improvements.

Success of PMKVY 4.0 relies on the collaborative efforts of multiple stakeholders, each playing a unique role in the skill development ecosystem. Effective coordination among these stakeholders is essential to ensure that the program meets its objectives and contributes to the overall economic development of the country.